Pete ​Cerneka

for Cabrillo Unified School District

School Board

Area D

“A Brighter Future for Our Coastside Schools”

I am a Coastside parent who has worked in education and higher education ​administration for over two decades. My wife, Katie, and I have two daughters ​at Hatch Elementary.

CUSD is at a critical juncture. Our inability to competitively compensate ​teachers has put our access to quality local public education at risk, and with ​it, the viability of the Coastside as a place to raise a family. We need practical ​leadership, combined with a sense of urgency, to find effective short-term ​solutions, while keeping our long-term goals for the district in sight.

My family and I have been inspired by the Coastside’s strong sense of ​community. Together we can build a brighter future for our Coastside schools ​and give our kids the education they deserve.

“A Brighter Future for Our Coastside Schools”

Our children deserve the best education possible, and Pete Cerneka’s platform for CUSD School Board offers a clear roadmap to achieve that goal.

While we face challenges, we also have immense potential. Working together, we can create thriving schools that foster academic excellence and strengthen ​our Coastside community.

Investing in Teachers Is Investing in Our Future

Teachers are our most valuable resource. Retaining our veteran faculty and attracting top teaching talent is the single best way to improve our schools.

Pete will use a multi-pronged approach – reevaluating district spending and increasing district revenues – to address teacher compensation, retention, and ​morale.

By prioritizing teacher compensation in our annual budget, using our parcel tax more strategically, and centering a culture of respect, we can retain the best ​teachers and impact all students’ learning outcomes.

Financial Integrity Builds Trust

Financial integrity is foundational in the relationship between a school board and the community it serves. Pete is committed to budget transparency. He is ​committed to honoring the fiscal intentions of voters. He is committed to ensuring that bond funding, and other revenue sources, are allocated according to ​their original purposes, avoiding practices that could divert resources away from their intended use.

This commitment to transparency and respecting voter-approved initiatives is essential to rebuilading trust and ensuring that our district’s resources are used ​effectively and responsibly.

The more our community can understand our district finances, the more people will feel empowered to participate in the rebuilding of our district. Pete will work ​to improve how the district tells its fiscal story so that reports and data are accurate, timely, and easier to comprehend, further building trust.

To read more of the platform, click here.

Pete’s Bio

Pete and his wife, Katie, live in Arleta Park with their two daughters, Violet ​(6) and Grace (4), both of whom attend Hatch Elementary. Pete is the ​student-initiated service director at Stanford University’s Haas Center for ​Public Service, where he mentors and supports students, developing their ​public service ideas.

Prior to working at the Haas Center, Pete worked with student activists, ​community organizing, and civic engagement groups at Columbia ​University, where he also earned his MA in Higher Ed with a focus on ​leadership. His work focused on advising and mentoring students on how ​to be effective and responsible activists, and how to develop a life-long ​practice of civic engagement. Prior to his decade at Columbia, Pete spent ​almost a decade as a nomadic hippie, teaching high school, working for ​AmeriCorps, going to graduate school, and taking in as many music ​festivals and baseball games as possible.

In his free time, Pete likes to hang out with his family and friends. He loves ​music and sports, especially his St. Louis Cardinals.


Campaign Statements

Statement on Nonpartisanship

I am committed to serving as a nonpartisan school board trustee.

My top priority will always be advocating for the best interests of our ​students, educators, and ​community.

As a political independent, I have voted for candidates from various ​parties, emphasizing their ​individual qualifications and policy positions ​over party affiliation. I am currently registered as a ​Democrat, but I was briefly registered as a Republican, which ​enabled me to cast a personally-​important protest vote against former ​President, Donald Trump, in the most recent California primary. ​To me, ​this vote was aligned with my personal values and demonstrated my ​commitment to ​independent thought.

If elected, I will actively seek to collaborate with individuals from all ​backgrounds and perspectives to ​achieve our shared goals. My focus ​will be on building strong partnerships within the community and ​​working together to create a thriving educational environment for our students.

Statement on New Teachers’ Contract: CUSD Board Meeting, 9/12/24

I want to begin tonight by thanking the board, CUTA, and district staff for their role in securing this ​agreement. This was an arduous process and everyone should be commended for getting to this ​place. It is a step in the right direction in building trust with our faculty.

This process highlights two very serious issues facing the district. Read the statement in its entirety ​here.

Meet Pete

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Coming soon!

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Group of teenagers volunteer


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